Then the authors analyse the physical mechanism of how borehole diameter affects the velocity logging data which are collected by using the logger that has one transmitter and two receivers. Then corresponding correction formula and correction chart are given in the paper. 其后,详细地分析了单发双收声速测井资料受井径影响的物理机制,在此基础上提出了相应的校正公式及校正图板。
The environmental factor correction of logging curves while drilling mainly uses chart correction method. 对随钻测井曲线进行环境影响校正主要使用图版法。
In this paper, the author has put forward some correction comments for discussion on the economic thickness calculating formula and analyzed the non-economic and non-practical cold insulation thickness recommended in the national standard chart ( 98T920). 作者提出了经济厚度计算公式的修改意见,和分析了(98T902)国家标准图推荐的保冷厚度的不经济、不合理之处,供讨论。
Also, we designed the data format of digital Notice to Mariners. With the technology of network and database, we developed the digital Notice to Mariners distribution system, which lay down the technology base for automatic correction of electronic chart. 本文研究了纸质航海通告的数字化方法,设计了数字航海通告的数据格式,利用现代网络和数据库技术,研制了数字航海通告发布系统,为电子海图的自动改正奠定了技术基础。
In this paper, correction method and chart for slant hole formation thickness and apparent resistivity are developed by analyzing slant hole lateral device apparent resistivity log and adopting the method of mirror, which provide help for accurate geological interpretation of slant holes. 本文通过对不同情况下斜井梯度电极系视电阻率曲线分析,采用镜象法,研制出对斜井地层厚度和视电阻率的校正方法及图版,这可为油田斜井的精细地质解释提供有力的帮助。
The application of neutron transport theory to the numerical simulation of neutron well-logging and the construction of correction chart 中子输运理论在中子测井数值模拟中的应用及校正图版制作
The correction equations and scatter diagrams not only provide basic data for technologists who use the historical chart, but also provide a new method for the study of transformation of sounding data on historical chart. 改正数方程和改正数分布图不仅为使用历史海图的科技人员提供了基础性资料,而且为历史海图深度基准面转换的研究提供了一种新的方法。
This paper points out an error in the correction chart calculating the equivalent airspeed in some manuals and books. 本文指出了一些手册和教科书中关于当量空速修正计算存在的问题。
The correction chart is made based on theory calculation or experiment result, it is not suitable for successive comprehensive environmental correction on all well segment formation. 校正图版是根据理论计算或实验结果做出的,不适合于逐点对所有井段的地层进行较全面的环境影响校正。
Correction Equations of Sounding Data on Historical Chart of Zhejiang Sea Area and Their Scatter Fields 浙江海区历史海图上各种深度基准面的改正数方程及其分布场
Study of automatical correction of character sting, constitution of grey accumulation scatter chart, automatic threshold value selection shows that this method is of good effect. 研究了字符串自动找正、灰度累计分布图的生成、自动阈值选择等技术.结果表明,基于旋转投影不变矩识别字符的方法效果很好。
This paper analyses the oil, gas and water saturation of two wells of core drilling with keeping formation pressure in Daqing Placanticline and draws a degassed correction chart of oil and water saturation. 通过对大庆长垣两口保压取心井油、气、水饱和度分析,绘制了油水饱和度脱气校正图版。
Method An auto-color correction algorithm in the RGB color space based on a standard CMYK color chart was proposed. 方法提出了一种基于CMYK色卡,对照片在RGB空间进行自动颜色校正的算法。
Skewness Correction ( SC) control chart and Scaled Weighted Variance ( SWV) control chart application are studied to apply, separately. 对偏度校正(SC)控制图和比例加权方差(SWV)控制图的进行应用研究。
With cement sheath correction chart of different casing sizes, software was programmed for correcting its influence. 结合不同套管尺寸下的水泥环影响因素校正图版,编制软件实现了水泥环影响因素的校正。